Welcome to Mergi!
Our mission, what the heck we're doing, and how you can help.
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Liam Monaghan

Hey everyone!

Are you tired of juggling endless to-do lists, struggling to keep track of deadlines, and feeling overwhelmed by the chaos of everyday life as a student? We feel that pain everyday as students ourselves and that's why we're building Mergi!

We're on a mission to revolutionize the way students manage their lives and tasks. We're so excited to begin this journey with you all and we're hyped for what the future holds for student productivity!!

If you're interested in sharing some things about you and some of your thoughts on what would make Mergi great for you, we've created a survey. By sharing your thoughts, preferences, and a few things about who you are as a student, you'll directly influence the features and functionalities of Mergi. Whether it's seamless task organization, intuitive life management tools, or anything in between, your feedback will guide our development process.

You can find the survey here: https://forms.gle/wdSyYn6KV5516dX68

Thank you for being a part of our journey to redefine organization and productivity for students everywhere.

Best regards,

Caris and Liam,

Co-Founders Mergi 🍋