Meet the Founders
Two cousins decide to take over the world
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Caris Lantz

Hello and welcome back! Your favorite co-founder speaking!

With the beta version of Mergi about to launch, Liam and I figured we should tell you a little bit about our story. We are just two cousins who decided to take the lemons life gave us and make some lemonade.

Our Story

Every year our family goes on vacation to Hilton Head Island—all 8 aunts and uncles, two grandparents, and the six-member cousins club. The cousins are all exceptionally bright and industrious individuals, who each have their own unique strengths. Abi's is creativity, Madison's is math and science, JJ's is humor and connectivity, Liam's is computers, coding and robotics, Ali's is literature, and mine is strategy. Growing up, we all had the entrepreneurial bug and decided to use our talents for profit. We started several (failed) cooking, spa, crafting, and slime businesses. You know what they say, your first business is always your biggest failure!

Last year, I moved away from home to start school at The Ohio State University. In the mean time, Liam and my little brother JJ (who are only 2 months apart) started scheming to convince Liam's parents to let him come and live with my family in Ohio because he was doing school online and had a few internship opportunities here. They succeeded, and Liam quickly evicted me from my room.

While I was home for winter break we were sitting around talking about how stressful life is and how crappy all of the life organization tools our schools had given us were. This is where the idea for Mergi was born. We wanted to create a software where students like us could merge all aspects of their busy lives into one place.

When I came back home again for spring break, Liam and I set out a strategy, marketing plan, and timeline for when we wanted everything to be done. Then we got to work.

Caris's lemons

I am currently double majoring in Philosophy, Politics, Economics, and Public Management, Leadership, Policy, with a minor in Security and Intelligence at Ohio State University (yes I know its a mouthful). I am a member of the International Affairs Scholars Program leadership council, a Bible study leader in Cru at OSU, as well as holding down a part time job at the Ohio House of Representatives.

In what little spare time I do have, I love reading, writing, traveling, spending time with my friends, and being outdoors. I can play the guitar, and also love running. Right now I'm starting training for a half marathon!

Liam lemon's

Liam is currently a senior in high school online at Laurel Springs High School. Because of the flexibility of his schooling, he has had a lot of opportunity to work on his real passion: coding.

Liam is a full stack engineer for Roda, a car repair service based in Virginia. He is also a web developer and instructor for the non-profit One Byte At A Time, where he teaches students in the Canton City School District how to code and program robots. He is also volunteers at his church.

In his free time Liam enjoys fishing, playing golf with his best friends, and driving back and forth from Virginia to visit his parents.