Back to School!
How to prepare yourself for a KILLER first semester!
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Mergi Team

“Back to back to school, to prove to dad I am not a fool” (sung in our best Adam Sandler impression).

While we unfortunately do not have Billy Madison on our team here at Mergi, we can take some important lessons from the sandman himself. Back to school is always an exciting time of year. New supplies, new outfits, new classmates, new teachers, and the realization that you are in for another 9 months of assignments and cramming sleep in where you can. What else could a kid ask for?

To help you get as much shut eye as you can, here are a few of our tips on how to prepare yourself for a great start to the year!

Organize Your Computer

Everyone knows that school isn’t taught in books. You can practically get a PHD off of YouTube now a days! With that in mind, it’s important to have an organized computer at the beginning of the year to allow yourself a smooth transition.

We recommend organizing your bookmarks bar, clearing off last years assignments and tabs, and maybe even downloading your favorite calendar app (which should be Mergi…right?!)

Getting yourself a good organization system online is really important to have a great start to the year. We recommend Notion, or a highly organized Google Drive for the best results.

Get all of your assignments in order

If you’re in college, this one applies to you. What I want you to do is open up a google sheet or excel file, and then when you get your syllibi for the fall semester, I want you to input all of the assignment names and due dates into that spread sheet color coded to the class. Then I want you to put a filter on it to organize by due date. Trust me, it’s a life saver.

OR you could upgrade to Mergi Eureka where our syllabus scanner feature does all this for you ;)

Back to school shopping

Back to school shopping is one of the most important parts of late August. So grab your moms credit card, and get your butt to the hell scape otherwise known as the back to school section of Target.

It’s always a morale booster to have a new stack of notecards and some fresh notebooks for the first day. And everyone knows that mechanical pencils are like cigarettes in prison come November, so it’s probably a good idea to stock up on those too.

Reconnect with Nature


You are about to be stuck in a dingy, fluorescently lit, government (or maybe private) building for 7 hours a day, 5 days a week. Before your prison sentence starts, and while the weather is still nice go for a hike, ride your bike, go on a run or walk around the neighborhood, play with your dog in the back yard. Just do SOMETHING that isn’t sitting on your phone for 8 hours a day.

You’ll thank yourself in December when you’re battling seasonal depression.

No matter where your at in your academic journey, remember that everyone is going through the same thing around this time of year, so don’t hesitate to reach out to friends and family for support. Let’s go kick some lemon butt this school year!!

Team Mergi 🍋